Categories: Napoli News

Ashley Cole and Luke Shaw Deny They Are Rumoured ‘Gay England International Footballer’

Perhaps spurred on by the support rightfully given to sportsmen Tom Daley and Thomas Hitzlsperger, it is claimed that an interview published tomorrow (March 9) will see someone from last week’s game against Denmark opening up about their sexuality. Ashley Cole has been the main focus of speculation on Twitter, but spoke out to deny that it will be him. “Come on people, sorry to disappoint u but I’m strictly #chicks only”. Yep – apparently the hashtag #chicks IS a thing, everyone. Luke Shaw also batted away speculation, writing in a tweet that has since been deleted: “It’s not me chill out guys!” It is not known where the rumour even started, although it’s been setting the football-following community ablaze on Twitter over the last day. The speculaton comes a month after the captain of the national women’s team, Casey Stoney, came out as the country’s most high-profile gay footballer. Let’s hope a similar level of support given to her, Daley and Hitzlsperger will also be given to any footballer who comes out, whether it’s this weekend or not.



Gennaro Arpaia

Iscritto alla facolta di Giurisprudenza della Federico II Napoli. Giornalista pubblicista iscritto all'albo da giugno 2013.

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Gennaro Arpaia

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